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Conferencias y convenciones

AI & Big Data for Banking Summit

Organizador:  Innovation Enterprise
Inicio: 12.12.2018 09:00
Fin: 13.12.2018 17:00
New York Hilton Midtown, 1335 6th Ave,
New York,
Estados Unidos
Precio: Visit Website
AI & Big Data for Banking Summit
Part of DATAx New York

Smarter, Faster, Better Banking
With technological advancements and a greater amount of readily-available data changing the banking industry every day, hear how forward-thinking service providers and leading organizations are aligning to driving success.
Topic Areas Covered Include:
  • Qualitative analytics that will alleviate risks and optimize forecasts on customer intelligence.
  • Using analytics to prevent cyberattacks & uphold cybersecurity
  • Leverage Big Data while adhering to compliance requirements and security standards.
  • Banking Technology and Digital Currencies to continuously transform your organization by using data and insights to connect with their clients
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