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Conferencias y convenciones


Organizador:  FxCuffs
Inicio: 16.03.2018 09:00
Fin: 17.03.2018 21:00
Ice Kraków,
Precio: Visit site
FxCuffs is the biggest in Middle-Eastern Europe meeting of investing industry. The event is popular amongst the experts, the most important companies in the industry, and institutional and retail customers.

For 2 days there will be a dozen of presentations, meetings, lessons and lectures by head Polish and foreign experts. During the debates invited guests will discuss current problems and perspectives for the future.

Exhibitors will have 3 floors to use. In the Expo more than 60 companies from investment industry will take part, also there will be companies offering complementary and tutoring services.

FxCuffs 2018 will be held in the ICE Krakow Congress Centre again. Participants can visit 3 conference rooms, including auditorium hall for 2000 people.

If you are interested in stocks, you are investing on Forex market, funds, real estate, you are fascinated by cryptocurrencies, this event is for you.

To get more information, please visit the event's site. You can easily access to the site by clicking on the event's title.
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