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Conferencias y convenciones

Financexpo B2B

Organizador:  FigureFX.com
Inicio: 05.05.2016 02:00
Fin: 06.05.2016 02:00
Shanghai HongQiao YuanYi Hilton Hotel,
Precio: Visit Site
Teléfono fijo: 0086-13681809981
Email: 318761897@qq.com
With the development of financial market, need for institutional service in the financial field keeps increasing, the market size increases rapidly, and clients show increased interest to learn about B level financial market. Financexpo B2B was born to satisfy such needs, and to share information and resources. Financexpo B2B was successfully hosted in Shanghai May 5th 2015-May 6th 2015 and in Beijing Dec 3rd 2015-Dec 4th 2015.

The Third Financexpo B2B will be hosted in Shanghai Hongqiao Hilton Hotel on May 5th 2016 and May 6th 2016. We welcome your participation. The expo will cover more financial fields such as forex, binary option, broker, payment company, internet finance company, EA trading, risk control, investing and raising money oversea etc. The expo's content will be in depth in segment fields, and show case the top notch companies, concepts and products in each field, in order to meet the growth need of more companies.
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