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Conferencias y convenciones

Risks in Agri Trading: Emerging Markets 2014 Summit

Organizador:  IRN International
Inicio: 18.06.2014 10:00
Fin: 19.06.2014 19:30
Precio: Visitar sitio del organizador
Teléfono fijo: +44 207 111 1615
Fax: +44 207 183 7945
Email: JessicaJ@irn-international.com
IRN International

IRN is pleased to bring you the first Risks in Agri Trading: Emerging Markets 2014 Summit which focuses on risk management across agri commodity trading, with a specific emphasis on risks attached to dealing with emerging markets, including West Africa, South-East Asia, Middle-East, and Latin America, to mention a few.

With the essential role they play as producers of agri commodities, as well as their important potential as destination for agri products, emerging markets are very attractive areas for trading houses and manufacturers willing to expand their activities. These regions possess a lot of natural resources, and they haven’t reached their full potential yet in terms of consumption either. They are keen on making the most of their land and assets to sustain their growth in a way that could benefit the whole population.

However there are many implications attached to dealing with these regions including geopolitical risks, economic risks and supply chain risks. Trading houses need to look into legal frameworks, export and import restrictions, and ensure they have the right procedures in place in-house to face the challenges of entering emerging markets in the best way possible.

The RATEM Summit will address these challenges in a lot of depth. With expert speakers coming from key trading houses in Switzerland and globally, including experienced Risk Managers, and Supply Chain Professionals as well as Trade and Trade Finance Specialists, the Summit will provide the perfect platform to discuss all aspects of risks in agri commodity trading, ranging from credit risk and trade finance, to physical risk along the supply chain.

World Trade Organisation (WTO) representatives and key Officials from Governments of emerging countries will also attend the forum to provide the audience with vital information on the export/ import rules and procedures of their countries.

You will get insights on how your operations in emerging markets can be boosted and how you can mitigate your risks within the commodity trade lifecycle.

IRN International
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