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Nombre | Título | Desde | Hasta |
Thierry Million | - | 2021 | Ahora |
Biografía | Thierry has more than 20 years of experience in Fixed Income management. He has been Head of Fixed Income Management. Prior to that, he was Head of Economic Research and Quantitative Research at Allianz Global Investors for two years, Head of Diversified Portfolios for Institutional and Corporate Clients, and Quantitative and Economic Research for AGF AM for three years, and Head of Product Management for one year. Thierry was previously Head of Fixed Income Management at Dresdner RCM Gestion for seven years and Fixed Income manager at Banque Vernes for five years. He began his career as a broker and cash manager at Dynabourse. | ||
Ophélie Gilbert | - | 2014 | Ahora |
Franck Mugat | - | 2021 | 2023 |
Biografía | Franck Mugat has 20 years of experience in bond management. He manages Institutional Euro Aggregate portfolios since he joined Allianz Global Investors in 2001. | ||
Marie Mougnaud | - | 2014 | 2021 |
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