Por favor, inténtelo con una nueva búsqueda
Al menos el 75% de la exposición total estará invertida en renta variable y el resto de la exposición total en activos de renta fija. El riesgo divisa oscilará entre el 0 y el 50% de la exposición total.Al menos un 90% de la exposición en renta variable se concentrará en mercados de la Zona Euro y demás países de la OCDE. También se podrá invertir en países emergentes hasta un máximo del 10% de la referida exposición. El fondo invertirá en compañías, tanto de alta como de baja capitalización bursátil, con perspectivas de revalorización a medio y largo plazo, sin especial predilección por algún sector o país.
Nombre | Título | Desde | Hasta |
Tomás Pintó | - | 2020 | Ahora |
Beltrán de la Lastra | CIO & Founder | 2014 | Ahora |
Biografía | Panza Capital-(CIO & Founder): Investment leader of Panza Capital a newly formed independent asset manager mostly serving retail clients in Spain investing in Europe and US. Bestinver-(NON COMPETE): 2 years non compete contract with Bestinver. Bestinver-( CIO & President): Investment and business head of a $7 billion book in equity mandates for the leading independent asset manager in Spain. The investment process is based on a team of 7 investment specialists focus in European and Global EquitiesAwarded best Expansion Domestic Asset Manager in Spain 2017. JPMORGAN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT-( CIO European Core Research & International Enhanced Equities): Investment and business head of a $13.5 billion book in equity mandates for Retail and Institutional clients. The investment process is based on a team of 7 experienced portfolio managers that combine access to fundamental research analysis with disciplined portfolio construction. The mandates that we run are either single region (Europe, Asia, UK and Japan) or multi-region (Global, EAFE, Kokusai) as mutual funds or as segregated accounts. European Equities mandates represent 50% of the current book of business. While most of the assets are Institutional segregated mandates I manage a number of mutual funds which I detail below. The flagship fund is Europe Select. All the mutual funds that I manage within Europe Equities target excess returns with strong risk management: JPM Europe Select Equity: Morningstar ***** share classes B,C. Lower for more expensive share classes given the riskbudget JPM Europe Select Equity Plus: Morningstar **** share classes A JPM Euroland Select Equity: Morningstar ***** share classes B, C JPM Global REI Fund: Morningstar ***** share classes X “A” share classes may have lower star rating given the controlled risk budget and fees Within pension funds publicly quoted I manage: JPM Life Continental Europe Select Equity: Lipper Leader 5 rating. This represents the top score which represents the top 20% compared to peers in areas such as preserving capital or building wealth through consistent, strong returns ETF: Responsible for the 1st ever launched ETF by JPMorgan Investment Management (June 2014). JPM Global Equities Diversified Return (JPGE US Equity) Member of JPMorgan Investment Management EMEA Operating Committee JP MORGAN SECURITIES Ltd-(DERIVATIVES QUANTITATIVE ANALYST): Hybrid derivatives - pricing and risk management for JP Morgan Exotic Derivatives Book. | ||
Ricardo Cañete | - | 2014 | 2020 |
Fernando Bernad Marrasé | - | 2007 | 2014 |
Álvaro Guzmán de Lázaro | - | 2004 | 2014 |
Francisco García Paramés | Manager | 2004 | 2014 |
Biografía | He has an Economics degree (Universidad Complutense) and a Master´s degree (IESE). In 1989 he joined Bestinver, where he began to manage portfolios and funds. In 1997 he began to manage Bestinver International, taking it to the leading positions in the market of foreign funds sold in Spain. Self-taught, his management style is based on the strict application of the principles of value investing (Graham, Buffett, Peter Lynch, etc.), within a framework of detailed knowledge of the Austrian theory of economic cycles. He left Bestinver AM in 2014 and founded Cobas AM after a two year non compete agreement. |
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