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Fidelity Funds ASEAN Fund pretende generar un crecimiento del capital a largo plazo invirtiendo en una cartera de valores renta variable de las regiones asiática y pacífica (excluido Japón). Esta cartera se gestiona de manera activa, bien directamente o a través de fondos especializados. Al menos un 75% del valor de la cartera estará invertido en los países miembros de la Asociación de Naciones del Sureste Asiático (ASEAN), entre los que figuran Singapur, Malasia, Tailandia, Indonesia y las Islas Filipinas (Brunei y Vietnam no cuentan con mercados bursátiles nacionales). El Gestor seguirá una estrategia de selección de acciones, centrada en la calidad de cada empresa más que en las perspectivas de determinados mercados.
Nombre | Título | Desde | Hasta |
Madeleine Kuang | - | 2018 | Ahora |
Gillian Kwek | Portfolio Manager | 2008 | 2018 |
Biografía | Gillian joined Fidelity in 2001 as an investment analyst, initially based in Hong Kong and later in Singapore. As an analyst, Gillian had not only covered a variety of regional sectors, but has also served as the Technology Sector Team Leader and the Financials Sector Team Leader whilst covering each respective sector. Regional research coverage of financials, technology, metals and mining, and transportation stocks is of particular relevance as these industries, in aggregate, comprise a significant proportion of the ASEAN markets. | ||
Jessica Tan | Portfolio Manager | 2005 | 2009 |
Biografía | Jess joined Fidelity in 2000 as an investment analyst covering regional consumer and gaming stocks. She has also covered the regional media and telecommunication sectors. For two years from 2002, Jess managed the FF Malaysia Fund as a country fund manager, concurrent with her research responsibilities. She has recently been promoted to portfolio manager and given the opportunity to further expand her regional management experience with responsibility for managing the FF Taiwan Fund. | ||
Agus Tandiono | - | 2004 | 2006 |
Ignatius Lee | Regional Portfolio Manager, Assistant Portfolio Manager, Investment Analyst | 2004 | 2004 |
Biografía | Ignatius Lee joined Fidelity in 1993 as an investment analyst based in Hong Kong. In 1996 he was promoted to be an assistant portfolio manager, and in 1999, he took on responsibility as a regional portfolio manager of Asia Pacific ex-Japan institutional equity portfolios. He currently manages a combination of retail and institutional mandates, including the Fidelity Funds Greater China Fund and the Fidelity Funds ASEAN Fund. | ||
Joseph Tse | Portfolio Manager | 2001 | 2004 |
Biografía | Joseph Tse is a portfolio manager for FIL, a Fidelity Investments company. He joined Fidelity in 1990 as a research analyst and began managing portfolios in 1994. Mr. Tse is based in Hong Kong. He received a BSc in business administration from the University of Southern California in 1985 and an MBA from the University of Western Ontario in 1987, and is a CFA charterholder. |
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