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 NombreSímboloÚltimo% Var.Total activosHora
 BG SICAV - Invesco Financial Credit Bond FX0P0001.144,924+0,12%864,58M22/05 
 BG SICAV - Invesco Financial Credit Bond CX0P0000.134,290+0,13%864,58M22/05 
 BG SICAV - Invesco Financial Credit Bond DlX0P0000.133,114+0,13%864,58M22/05 
 LUX IM Muzinich Short Term Credit DHXL0P0001.97,321+0,06%380,67M22/05 
 LUX IM Blackrock Global Opportunities Bond DlX0P0000.98,260+0,08%252,75M22/05 
 LUX IM Blackrock Global Opportunities Bond FX0P0000.108,306+0,08%252,75M22/05 
 LUX IM Blackrock Global Opportunities Bond CX0P0000.97,201+0,08%252,75M22/05 
 LUX IM Blackrock Global Opportunities Bond EX0P0001.103,643+0,08%252,75M22/05 
 BG SICAV - Vontobel Global Active Bond DlX0P0000.95,268+0,13%107,18M22/05 
 BG SICAV - Vontobel Global Active Bond FX0P0000.105,960+0,14%107,18M22/05 
 BG Selection Aberdeen Emerging Markets Bond and Cu0P0001.101,754+0,17%17,06M22/05 
 BG Selection Aberdeen Emerging Markets Bond and Cu0P0001.111,829+0,17%17,06M22/05 
 BG Selection Aberdeen Emerging Markets Bond and Cu0P0000.84,325+0,16%17,06M22/05 
 BG Selection Aberdeen Emerging Markets Bond and Cu0P0000.104,208+0,17%17,06M22/05 
 LUX IM Blackrock Global Opportunities Bond HX0P0001.100,415+0,08%252,75M22/05 
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