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Persigue aumentar el valor de la inversión y proporcionar rendimientos por encima de la tasa de inflación de EE.UU. a medio y largo plazo. Valores en cartera El Subfondo invierte principalmente en una amplia variedad de valores de países de todo el mundo, incluidos los mercados emergentes. La combinación de valores puede incluir acciones, bonos soberanos y corporativos, valores del mercado monetario e inversiones cuyo valor esté vinculado a precios de materias primas. El Subfondo gestiona de forma flexible su exposición a diferentes monedas. El Subfondo puede utilizar derivados para reducir varios riesgos, para llevar a cabo una gestión eficiente de la cartera o como forma de obtener exposición a varios activos, mercados o flujos de ingresos. En concreto, el Subfondo mantendrá posiciones en cualquier moneda y utilizará derivados para gestionar dicha exposición.
Nombre | Título | Desde | Hasta |
Howard A. Weiss | Vice President | 2011 | Ahora |
Biografía | Mr. Weiss, Vice President and Portfolio Manager of Amundi Pioneer joined Amundi Pioneer in 2007 and served as an associate portfolio manager and large cap core equity analyst. From October 2010 until August 2011, Mr. Weiss was an analyst at Surveyor Capital Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Citadel Investment Group, LLC. In September 2011, he rejoined Amundi Pioneer as associate portfolio manager. | ||
Kenneth J. Taubes | Executive Vice President | 2011 | Ahora |
Biografía | Ken Taubes is Chief Investment Officer, US and a Portfolio Manager at Amundi US. As Chief Investment Officer, Ken oversees US fixed income, equity, and multi-asset teams, including portfolio management, fundamental research and trading. In addition, Ken leads the day-to-day investment activities of the US fixed income team and is a Portfolio Manager on a number of fixed income multi-sector portfolios. Ken is Chairman of the US Investment Committee, and a member of the US Executive Committee and US Management Committee. He also is a Trustee of the Pioneer Funds, which oversees Amundi US’s US-registered portfolios. Prior to joining Amundi US in 1998, Ken was a Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager at Putnam Investments. Ken also served as Senior Vice President and Corporate Treasurer of Home Owners Savings Bank in Boston, a large New England thrift holding company and one of the nation’s largest mortgage banks, where he worked from 1986 to 1990. He began his career in 1980 as a treasury officer with Bank of New England’s international treasury division. Ken received a Bachelor of Science in accounting from Syracuse University’s Utica College and an M.B.A. from Suffolk University in Boston. | ||
Michele Garau | Senior Vice President | 2011 | 2022 |
Biografía | Mr. Garau, Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager of Amundi Pioneer, has been based in Boston since August 2010. He was previously the Head of Balanced Portfolios at Pioneer Investment Management Limited, one of Amundi Pioneer's affiliates, and based in Dublin. He joined Amundi Pioneer in January 2003 and has been an investment professional since 1984. |
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