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Miller Convertible Bond Fund Class I (MCIFX)

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12,93 +0,04    +0,31%
27/09 - Mercado cerrado. Valores en USD ( Aviso legal )
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Total de activos: 608,56M
Tipo:  Fondo
Mercado:  Estados Unidos
Emisor:  Miller Investment
Clase de activo:  Otros
Miller Convertible Bond I 12,93 +0,04 +0,31%

Resumen MCIFX

En esta página encontrará un perfil detallado de Miller Convertible Bond Fund Class I. Conozca la gestión clave, los activos totales, la estrategia de inversión y la información de contacto de MCIFX, entre otros datos.


Total de activos




Fecha de inicio


Información de contacto

Lugar 2 Deanna Drive
Oxford,CT 6478
United States
Teléfono fijo +1 8774414434

Ejecutivos destacados

Nombre Título Desde Hasta
Michael Miller Vice President 2010 Ahora
Biografía As Chief Investment Officer of Wellesley Asset Management, Inc. and Co-Portfolio Manager of the firm’s mutual funds, separate managed accounts and private fund, Michael is an integral part of the firm’s investment team. He is responsible for convertible bond research and product development, analyzing and monitoring portfolio holdings, and communicating performance, portfolio and fund data. He also constructs and analyzes client portfolios.   In addition to his capacity as Chief Investment officer, Michael works directly with some of the firm’s institutional clients. Michael uses his over ten plus years of fixed income and financial planning experience to guide and educate many financial advisors, plan sponsors, registered investment advisors and asset allocators on the benefits of convertible bond investing.   Michael frequently speaks at national conferences educating investment professionals about the convertible bond asset class.   In 2017, Michael was recognized by Forbes magazine as a Top Next Generation Wealth Advisor and received the rating of number one in Massachusetts and number eleven nationally. Michael is a Certified Fixed Income Practitioner and a member of the Financial Planning Association.   Michael received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from American University’s Kogod School of Business in Washington, DC, where he specialized in finance, and his Master of Business Administration degree from Babson College F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business. Michael resides with his family in Wayland, Massachusetts.
Greg Miller CEO, Principal and Founder 2007 Ahora
Biografía CEO and co-founder of Wellesley Asset Management in 1991, Greg draws on over thirty-five years of investment and financial experience. Greg is a nationally recognized provider of investment advisory services deploying convertible bonds. As CEO and Portfolio Manager, he has directed the absolute return-seeking, limited risk investing philosophy of Wellesley Asset Management for over twenty-five years with the primary goal of principal protection combined with investment growth. Greg and the team at Wellesley Asset Management currently manage over $2.5 billion in convertible bonds for high and ultra-high net worth individuals, registered investment advisors, banks, pensions, wirehouses, financial advisors, and other investment professionals nationwide.   Greg is the author of an Amazon bestselling book, Outrunning the Bear: How You Can Outperform Stocks and Bonds with Convertibles. He has written several articles and has been written up in various prominent investment and financial publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Institutional Investor, Investment Advisor Magazine, Barron’s and Bloomberg/BusinessWeek. Greg has been ranked a Top 100 Independent Financial Advisor by Barron’s for seven years in a row. In Barron’s September 2017 Top 100 list, he ranked # 1 in Massachusetts and #3 nationwide. Barron’s also ranked Greg #1 in Massachusetts in its March 2018 list of America’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors for the fourth consecutive year. In 2007, Wellesley Asset Management launched an open-end convertible mutual fund for which Greg serves as a Portfolio Manager. The fund seeks to outperform both equities and fixed income over complete market cycles. In 2014, Wellesley Asset Management launched two additional open-end mutual funds. One is a leveraged convertible bond fund, and the other an intermediate term bond fund. The intermediate bond fund seeks to outperform Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index over complete market cycles. The mutual funds Wellesley manages currently have over $1.2 billion in assets.   Greg worked with an international accounting firm and for over 20 years had his own CPA firm. Greg graduated from Boston University and holds an MBA with high distinction from Babson College. He lectures frequently on absolute return investing deploying convertible bonds to other investment professionals, institutional clients, pensions, registered investment advisors, and high net-worth individuals. Greg lives with his wife in Durham, NH.
Darlene Murphy - 2017 2019
Biografía Together with Greg Miller, Darlene formed Wellesley Asset Management in 1991. As a practicing CPA, Darlene had helped many clients build net worth and liquid assets, and knew how important it was to protect investors’ wealth. From the beginning, WAM’s investing strategy has had an absolute return focus – seeking to grow wealth and yet limit risk.   Darlene is a Certified Financial Planner™, a member of the Financial Planning Association and has been a volunteer with the Massachusetts Chapter of the FPA. She has worked closely with private clients, families and a wide variety of investors for over 25 years. She has worked extensively with other advisors and investment professionals, helping them successfully implement WAM’s convertible bond strategy with their clientele.   As President of Wellesley Asset Management, Darlene is responsible for the firm’s overall day to day operations, strategic planning and execution. Darlene directs WAM’s Private Client Group, and is a Portfolio Manager of the Miller Family of Funds.   Darlene has been a guest speaker at many investment related conferences and has been quoted in numerous business publications including The Wall Street Journal and Institutional Investor. In 2018, Forbes ranked Darlene one of the Top 50 Women Wealth Advisors in America. In 2017, she was recognized by The Commonwealth Institute (TCI) and The Boston Globe, as a leader of one of the “Top 100 Women-Led Businesses in Massachusetts.” This marked the sixth consecutive year Darlene has received this award from TCI. Also in 2017, Darlene was named a “Top Wealth Adviser Mom” in the inaugural list published in Working Mother magazine.   Darlene received a Bachelor Degree in Finance from Simmons College, where she received the Massachusetts Society of CPAs student achievement award. Darlene also holds an MBA from Babson College where she was a recipient of the Douglass Prize for Entrepreneurship.   Darlene donates time to local charitable organizations, and participates in a variety of business and professional organizations. She has also been an evaluator for Babson College’s business plan competitions. Darlene resides with her family in Sudbury, Massachusetts.
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