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El fondo tiene como objetivo preservar el capital del accionista y proporcionar una alta rentabilidad estable superior a la media del nivel de interés en Noruega. El fondo invertirá un mínimo de dos tercios del total de sus activos (después de la deducción de efectivo) en renta fija y valores de deuda con tasa flotante emitidos por prestatarios privados y autoridades públicas domiciliadas o desarrollando la parte predominante de su actividad económica en Noruega.
Nombre | Título | Desde | Hasta |
Lars Løtvedt | - | 2016 | Ahora |
Biografía | Lars Løtvedt has specialised experience within the Norwegian Fixed Income market which he has worked in since 2008. Prior to joining Nordea in 2015, Lars held the position as Head of Fixed Income and as Bank/Credit Analyst with the Norwegian broker/dealer Norne Securities. Lars holds a M.Sc. in Business from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). Among his responsibilities in Nordea are product development, presentations and client relations. He also joins the portfolio managers in the team based management of the Norwegian Fixed Income funds and mandates. | ||
Harald Willersrud | Lead Portfolio Manager | 2016 | Ahora |
Biografía | Harald Willersrud has been with Nordea since 1994. In the period 1994 to 2003, he held various positions in Nordea's Norwegian fund arm Nordea Fondene Norge, first as investment advisor and analyst followed by four years as portfolio manager. Since 1999, he has been responsible for Norwegian fixed income funds, in addition to covering credits and FX hedging for NIM Norway clients. Harald holds a MSc. in Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Management and is a Certified Fixed Income Analyst. | ||
Iren Jensen | - | 2010 | 2015 |
Biografía | Iren Jensen joined Nordea in 2003. Since then, she has been responsible for the credit analysis of the team, managing bond portfolios / funds, as well as being involved with FX hedging. Prior to working for Nordea, she had various positions with DnB NOR Asset Management, within international bond management, tactical asset allocation and institutional sales. Iren holds a MSc. in Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration and also holds an AFA (CFA). | ||
Peder Gervin Pedersen | - | 2000 | 2010 |
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