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Bancos centrales del mundo

Acceda a los bancos centrales

Lista de países:

  Nombre Tipo actual País
Reserva Federal (FED)

El sistema de la Reserva Federal es el sistema bancario central de Estados Unidos. Fue creado en 1913 por la promulgación de la Ley de la Reserva Federal, en gran parte...

4,50%  Estados Unidos
Banco de Estonia

Eesti Pank is the central bank of the Republic of Estonia that operates the Estonian monetary system, i.e., conducts the national monetary policy. The mission of Eesti...

0,00%  Estonia
Banco Nacional de Etiopía (NBE)

The National Bank of Ethiopia was established in 1963 by proclamation 206 of 1963 and began operation in January 1964 In 1994 a proclamation was made in oreder to...

0%  Etiopía
Banco Central Europeo (ECB)

El Banco Central Europeo (BCE) es uno de los bancos centrales más importantes del mundo y se encarga de la política monetaria de los 19 estados miembros de la zona euro....

3,15%  Eurozona
Banco Central de Filipinas (BSP)

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is the central bank of the Republic of the Philippines. It was established on 3 July 1993 pursuant to the provisions of the 1987...

2%  Filipinas
Banco de Finlandia

The Bank of Finland acts as Finland's central bank, national monetary authority and member of the European System of central banks and the Eurosystem. The Bank of...

0,0%  Finlandia
Banco Central de Fiyi (RBF)

The Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) is the central bank of the Pacific island country of Fiji. The responsibilities of the FRB include issue of currency, control of money...

0,25%  Fiyi
Banque de France

El Banque de France es el banco central de Francia. Está vinculado al Banco Central Europeo (BCE). Su función principal es implementar la política de tipos de interés del...

0,0%  Francia
Banco Central de Gambia (CBG)

The Central Bank of The Gambia is the central bank of Gambia. As a central bank, CBG is responsible for providing banking services to the Gambian government, for managing...

10,0%  Gambia
Banco Nacional de Georgia (NBG)

The National Bank of Georgia is the central bank of Georgia. Its status is defined by the Constitution of Georgia. The main objective of the National Bank is to ensure...

9,5%  Georgia
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