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Mfam Mid Cap Growth Fund Investor Shares (TMFGX)

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28,40 -0,41    -1,44%
03/12 - Info retrasada. Valores en USD
  • Rating de Morningstar:
  • Total de activos: 250,83M
Tipo:  Fondo
Mercado:  Estados Unidos
Emisor:  Motley Fool
Clase de activo:  Acción
Motley Fool Great America Investor 28,40 -0,41 -1,44%

Resumen TMFGX

En esta página encontrará un perfil detallado de Mfam Mid Cap Growth Fund Investor Shares. Conozca la gestión clave, los activos totales, la estrategia de inversión y la información de contacto de TMFGX, entre otros datos.

Mid-Cap Growth

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Lugar 2000 Duke Street, Suite 175
Alexandria,VA 22314
United States
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Ejecutivos destacados

Nombre Título Desde Hasta
Bryan C. Hinmon CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2014 Ahora
Biografía Bryan Hinmon is the Chief Investment Officer and Senior Portfolio Manager at Motley Fool Asset Management, LLC, as well as Chairman of the Investment Committee for the Funds. As CIO of the firm, Mr. Hinmon is responsible for leading the investment team, maintaining the firm’s investment philosophy, and managing client assets. He also works as an analyst, identifying and researching investments for the firm’s affiliate, Motley Fool Wealth Management’s separately managed account strategies. He joined Motley Fool Asset Management, LLC in 2014 after more than four years at The Motley Fool, LLC, where he helped manage Motley Fool Pro, a long/short and options portfolio service. Mr. Hinmon also served as a senior analyst on Motley Fool Options for more than four years and led the company’s Analyst Development Program for two years. Before life at The Motley Fool, Mr. Hinmon was a portfolio manager at Bulwark Capital Management, a hedge fund with an approach that balanced fundamental long-term equity investing, option income, and special situations. Earlier in his career, he worked as a research analyst for an asset manager in Naples, Florida, that provided portfolio management and operated a covered-call hedge fund. Mr. Hinmon graduated from Stetson University with a bachelor’s degree in finance. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of The Boston Security Analysts Society.
Nathan G. Weisshaar Portfolio Manager 2014 Ahora
Biografía Nate Weisshaar is a Portfolio Manager at Motley Fool Asset Management, LLC. Mr. Weisshaar has a particular interest in international and banking stocks. After joining The Motley Fool, LLC in 2007 as an equity research analyst for Motley Fool Global Gains and several other newsletters, Mr. Weisshaar subsequently became a co-advisor on Motley Fool Champion Shares PRO and Motley Fool Share Advisor, The Motley Fool’s newsletter products for the UK market, while living in London from 2011 to 2014. After graduating from the University of Arizona with a B.S. in finance, Mr. Weisshaar worked as a banking consultant at United Bankers Bank in Minnesota.
William S. Barker Portfolio Manager 2010 Ahora
Biografía Barker, Portfolio Manager, serves as Senior Analyst for Equity Research at the Motley Fool Asset Management. He joined The Motley Fool in 2005 as a senior analyst for equity research, specializing in value-stock analysis and working primarily on three newsletters: Motley Fool Stock Advisor, Motley Fool Hidden Gems, and Hidden Gems Pay Dirt. Previously, Mr. Barker worked for the SEC in its Office of Investor Education and Assistance, and for the U.S. Department of the Treasury in the Office of Foreign Assets Control, Foreign Terrorism Division. While with Treasury, he worked on the detection and prevention of the funding of foreign terrorist organizations and individuals. He also worked for The Motley Fool from 1998 to 2001 as both the principal writer of personal-finance content for the company’s website, and later as an equity analyst and senior producer for investing. Mr. Barker received his CFA designation in 2008, and is a member of the CFA Society of Washington, D.C. Before his work in finance, Mr. Barker was a trial lawyer in the Commercial Litigation division of the City Solicitor’s Office in Philadelphia, where he handled complex commercial cases as lead counsel in trials involving multimillion-dollar claims. He represented many of the major departments of the city, including the Office of the Mayor. Coming out of law school, he first worked in Washington, D.C., as an associate for Patton Boggs, LLP. He graduated cum laude from Yale University with a degree in political philosophy and earned his J.D. from the University of Virginia.
Anthony L. Arsta Portfolio Manager 2010 Ahora
Biografía Tony Arsta is a Portfolio Manager at the Adviser, having served in that role for the open-end mutual funds managed by the Adviser starting in 2009. Tony Arsta, is a senior analyst for equity research at Motley Fool Asset Management, LLC . He has served as research analyst for the Motley Funds. Mr. Arsta complements his value-investing focus with applications of statistical analysis and investor psychology. After joining The Motley Fool in 2008, he contributed his writing and analysis to Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio, as well as several other Foolish newsletter services. Mr. Arsta earned his M.B.A. with distinction from DePaul University, with a concentration in finance, and also holds a B.S. in computer science from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
David A. Meier Portfolio Manager 2014 2020
Biografía David Meier is a Portfolio Manager at Motley Fool Asset Management, LLC. Mr. Meier specializes in identifying investing opportunities in today’s and tomorrow’s great growth companies. He joined The Motley Fool, LLC in 2005, writing and editing for The Motley Fool online. Just before joining the Adviser, Mr. Meier worked as an analyst on Motley Fool Rule Breakers, a mission leader for Motley Fool Supernova, and an associate advisor for Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio, managing its high-growth stocks. Before working for The Motley Fool, Mr. Meier spent more than a decade as an engineer, developing and designing gas turbines at both Rolls Royce and General Electric. He graduated from Virginia Tech with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering. Mr. Meier also earned his M.B.A. from Wake Forest University. He is comfortable with both the physics and the economics of a wide variety of technologies and technology investments.
Charles L. Travers Portfolio Manager 2014 2020
Biografía Charly Travers is a Portfolio Manager at Motley Fool Asset Management, LLC. Mr. Travers focuses on identifying companies that have opportunities to reinvest their profits and earn high returns on capital. He has experience analyzing companies in a wide range of industries.
William H. Mann Portfolio Manager 2010 2017
Biografía Mann serves as portfolio manager for the Fund. He served as the senior investing analyst for The Motley Fool from 2001 to 2008. Before coming to the Adviser, Mr. Mann served as co-advisor for the Motley Fool Hidden Gems and Hidden Gems Pay Dirt small-cap investment newsletters and was the founding advisor for the Motley Fool Global Gains international-stock newsletter. In 2007 and 2008, Mr. Mann served on the Advisory Committee on Improvements to Financial Reporting, a special committee empanelled by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) to examine the financial reporting system and reduce complexity. Mr. Mann’s expertise in issues of corporate governance led the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation to ask him to testify as an expert witness at a 2001 hearing on the collapse of Enron. Mr. Mann is a sought-after public speaker and has frequently appeared on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox News Channel, CNN, BBC, CBS, and numerous business radio programs. Before joining The Motley Fool in 1999, Mr. Mann was a co-founder of Denwa Communications, a specialty international telecommunications carrier, focusing on project development in Asia; particularly, China, India, Pakistan, and Indonesia. Mr. Mann has also worked at the Japan Electric Power Information Center as a research analyst for corporate best practices and regulatory issues. Mr. Mann holds a bachelor’s degree in international service from American University and is a graduate of Phillips Academy.
Timothy B. Hanson Senior Analyst 2011 2015
Biografía Tim Hanson is a senior analyst for equity research at Motley Fool Asset Management, LLC since 2011. Mr. Hanson specializes in emerging markets. After joining The Motley Fool in 2005, he researched foreign and small-cap stocks for the Motley Fool Global Gains and Motley Fool Hidden Gems newsletters. Mr. Hanson subsequently became co-advisor of Global Gains and then head of The Motley Fool’s global equities research team, overseeing the idea generation process for publications in the U.S., U.K, and Australia, and working to help The Motley Fool expand its business abroad. After graduating from Georgetown University with honors, Mr. Hanson worked at the White House, where he helped craft messaging for economic, environmental, and national security policy.
Donald M. Krueger Senior Analyst 2010 2013
Biografía Don Krueger serves as Senior Analyst for Equity Research at the Adviser. Mr. Krueger has been a global investor for more than 30 years. Before joining Motley Fool Asset Management, Mr. Krueger served as the research director for a long/short global hedge fund at Perella Weinberg Partners in New York. Mr. Krueger has also developed and managed global portfolios — with a heavy focus on Asian and other international markets — for Valenzuela Capital Partners, Soros Fund Management, and Templeton International. Mr. Krueger was a managing director at Soros Fund and a partner at Valenzuela before becoming the CFO and COO at BrightStream. Mr. Krueger spent his first few years in the industry as an analyst at Capital Research Company. Institutional Investor magazine recognized him in 1986 as one of the top ten “Best of the Buy Side” analysts in America. Mr. Krueger earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Rochester and his MBA from Harvard Business School.
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